thursday, september 19
12:01:34 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
is it some kind of prerequisite for handing out flyers for a community service-oriented club that you have to whine while doling our your pamphlets? Everyone knows that it sucks to walk to class and be bombarded by petitioners and pamphleteers, but the only thing worse than just having loud pieces of paper pushed in front of your face is heahaving loud pieces of paper pushed in front of your face while hearing "Feed the Hommmmmmmmmmmeless" or "Philadelphia Tuuuuuuuutoring?" Which brings me to another thing I want to bitch about: what is up with people who make declarative statements in the form of a question? Either make a statement or ask a question but please, just COMMIT. # Comments []

12:03:45 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
there's a kid in my Japanese Literature class who speaks in this perfect rabbi tone... it's really soothing when he volunteers to read a poem aloud. # Comments []

12:15:55 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
from the finding-things-to-complain-about dept...
has anyone else noticed that penn resdesigned the logos on the cover of all of the notebooks that they're selling in the bookstore? the old logo was perfectly tasteful, but this new shit is just hideous. it's like penn rehired the firm in the 1970s that built Meyerson and the High Rises and said "you know that ugly shit you put on our campus? yeah well we want to run with that and put the ugly shit on our kids' school supplies. that'll sell much better." the only notebooks that look nice are the larger 3 and 5 subject books, which have the "Penn - 1740" logo on it. That's great, but i (like most students according to statistics that i just made up) don't use anything larger than a 1 subject notebook, a holdover in my case to when i was a freshman in high school and used to carry a 74 lb. backpack when i weighed about 93 lbs. So I bought one of the atrociously unattractive-looking notebooks if for no other reason than out of habit, but decided after two weeks of using that book for a class that had been really good on the first day of the semester, that the only thing i disliked more than the notebooks was the class itself. i took this realization to be a sign that i should drop both the class and the upenn notebooks. so (don't you love the way i use "so" in every sentence like i'm wishing i were French and had a cool transitory word in my vernacular like alors ? it's a new thing i'm trying...) i've switched back to 5-Star. So far the notebooks are great, except for the fact that (a) i feel like i'm back in high school; and (b) a quick search of yahoo! has revealed that mead 5-star notebooks are actually requested (specifically by brand name) on the back-to-school lists of finer (pardon the intentional application of clichéd irony) elementary and high schools everywhere. i suppose that makes me a big sellout. woop! # Comments []

wednesday, september 18
10:09:15 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
best day ever!
first the CA Maintenance Guys wake me at 9:30 in the morning but it's all good because they installed my hotshit track lighting in my bedroom so now i am +2 stud rating for the day ("based on the rules that ... i just made up" -eddie). then i had my CompLit class, which basically consisted of an hourlong discussion of why James Bond is cooler than MacGuyver (because MacGuyver's gay, but that's a different topic). Then I killed an hour with Bui and the truckcreatures (i could be so much more offensive than that, don't even roll your eyes), and bumped into Darcy, who told me about talking non-credit classes at Temple in Center City. Dunno if i'll do it, but it's a great idea. Then onto Pelikan's class, where I heard an 82 year-old man wax intellectual about Socrates for 3 hours. Two chocolate chip cookies from Au Bon Pain, a bottle of Poland Spring, and ... oh yes, Socrates. Academics are delicious. Moving along, I met up with my friend Alex, who brought me along with her to the Fox Leadership meeting, which might possibly be the coolest club on campus, behind only that medieval jousting society that beats the shit out of each other with nightsticks until candlelight (speaking of cooler than MacGuyver), but i digress... Ended the day watching Karr cook his dinner, which was surprisingly tasty. Now I'm in the library for a short reading assignment and - maybe - a latenight Pat's run. And Tivo is working again, too. This day rocked the hizzah. # Comments []

tuesday, september 17
1:13:06 AM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
back to philly after a holiday break fast that highlighted by my little cousin jumping on me, tugging my ears and creating a slight flesh wound on my left lobe. i have now been beaten up by a four year old. this is easily a new low... # Comments []

1:26:34 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
i love politics...
Washington D.C. mayor Anthony Williams' name was absent on the Democratic primary ballots, and the incumbent candidate had to run as a write-in. He won anyway, but Slate's Timothy Noah found at least 9 other people in the D.C. area named Anthony Williams, and points out that under district law, any of them could step up and claim to be the rightful winner of the election. At the zero hour, no one has yet, but remember that this is the city that re-elected Marion Barry after it saw video footage of him smoking crack, so i suppose nothing is impossible. # Comments []

10:58:25 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
adventure, excitement...
i went to see a kabuki theatre performance tonight in houston hall. i feel very cultured. the room pretty much consisted of two dozen or so professors (most of whom work in the Japanese department), 300 asian kids, and me, prepped out in linen, no less. if an aerial shot could have been taken of the room, i'd look like a bleach stain on a yellow shirt. is that offensive? oh well, i was the only kid in the room who didn't have photostickers on his cell phone, and let me tell you, it was quite funny. i think everyone was trying to figure out what the hell i was doing there, as if i was going to stand up and reveal my inner asian guy. like i was one of those kids who spent ten years of his life in japan, only happened to look american (::ahem:: rachel). whatever, it was fun. # Comments []

11:03:45 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
what's the deal with keropi anyway? it's just a stupid frog. # Comments []

monday, september 16
12:16:44 AM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
The holidays are always a weird time for me...
we're hosting dinner at my house tomorrow night. i have relatives who showed up at 6, thinking it was tonight. these are my relatives...

so i went to Kol Nidre services tonight for Yom Kippur for the first time ever tonight. my family apparently decided that this way is better than having to wake up early to go to morning services, only to be let out by 1 pm and then having to sit around thinking about food for the next 5 hours, rather than just sleeping until 11 and staying in your pajamas until it's time to eat. clearly my parents are trying to simulate my life in college, but i digress... In the realm of observed holidays among reform Jews, Yom Kippur Kol Nidre is Monday Night Football (duh duh duh duh). Call me crazy, but i loved it. well that's not true. i don't ever really enjoy services, probably because i've been subjected to a series of not-so-charismatic sermons lately, but i enjoyed services as much as i think i could have enjoyed services, and it was solely the atmosphere. Maybe it's that today is Sunday and my head (as is apparently a disturbing trend in my life) is buried in estoeric football trivia, but i liked the environment of the night service. Regular services are so sparsely attended... i mean you have the morning service (the 1 pm game), the afternoon service (the 4 pm game), the family service (the late afternoon game that's broadcast on cable)... they never attract much of a crowd. Ah but Kol Nidre... more people, more ushers, more security (NYC temples, a world unto themselves). They even had gimmicks that are apparently reserved for the night show ("the 10 pm show is totally different from the 8 pm show"): For about 15 minutes, a cellist played on stage while the congregation sat silent. As is consistent with most Jewish holidays, I had no idea what was going on, but it was a quite beautiful little break, especially considering that it came shortly after the president of the temple, in her address to the congregates, droned on about the need to donate money to the synagogue, sounding not unlike a B-list actress on PBS reminding the audience that "these quality programs can only continue with the support of viewers like you." This realization inevitably sent my mind considering why PBS' idea of quality programming past 8 pm is actually just trashy sitcoms in England, ported over to the U.S, which led me to ponder the viability of starting a nonprofit in the U.K. that airs reruns of Hangin' with Mr. Cooper. The holidays are always a weird time for me...

* For the record I would like to say that when i go back and read this rant, even i will recognize that i have babbled on about nothing, and that drawing parallels between perhaps the most important date of the Jewish calendar, and the weekly schedule of the National Football League, is mindless, and perhaps even tasteless. So for what it's worth, I'm already on the clock with the whole "no food" thing and my mind has clearly gone the way of my appetite.

** post-postscript: that doesn't even make much sense either. grammatical accuracy and coherent sentence structure also fades when hungry. # Comments []

sunday, september 15
11:52:51 PM                                                   posted by Blake Stuchin  
a pornography company is trying to buy Napster (hey kids, remember that from back in the day?) and revitalize the p2p software as a porn distribution tool (i said "tool") to spread free porn to users everywhere. sadly this idea will probably fizzle like their attempted buyout by Bertlesmann, but let it be said that Pornster (or whatever they'd call it, although i do like my name for it) is just about the only way i can see a p2p company ever turning a profit on consumers. # Comments []


Passar ...rants from a penn student's semester at vassar

Diametric Opposites



who the?
what the?
bug me
bother me

Token Male Distractions

Baseball Reference
Period H
How to Dance
Mr T. vs. Everything

Cornucopia of Procrastinations

Am I Hot or Not?
got apex?
Dictator or Sitcom?
Jumping the Shark
TV Hell
Page Six
All Your Base Are Belong to Us
Reuters Odd
Porn Star or My Little Pony?
Alanis Morisette Lyric Generator
Twinkies Project


passars have observed my ranting since 7.24.02

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

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