Tuesday, March 04, 2008
liveblogging class

Liveblogging my Excel Macro Writing class (Steph calls it Dork Workshop) on Twitter right now, follow me if you enjoy these sorts of experiments

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Impressing the masses with my knowledge of Ctrl+Tilde

Last night was the first night of my new NYU enrichment class, Financial Analysis in VBA. What a dorky joy this is. We began with what the teacher called "basic advanced Excel" - functions that are generally limited to experienced Excel users and that are central elements to VBA programming but that are still standard in Excel (things like named ranges, text manipulation, auditing, and lookup tables). In two weeks, we'll expand on this and get into the hardcore VBA world, which I'm very excited about.

I earned my Excel wonk street cred my showing off my knowledge of the keyboard shortcut for the formula auditing toolbar (thanks Ctrl+tilde!) and then showed that I know how to kick it old school by starting my cells with a + instead of an = because it's more efficient for data entry cells, even if it is a nod to the days of Lotus 1-2-3. Good times.

It's interesting for me to be learning technical skills in a classroom environment. I live my life online and everything I've ever done with technology has been self-taught. I'll try to keep this updated with my feelings about how the weekly class experience is throughout the semester.

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about me

I'm Blake. I like to learn stuff.

I like to learn about history, art, culture, sports, and politics. I like learning about what happens when you mix Diet Coke and Mentos. I like learning about Britney's latest flameup, Beckham's newest haircut, and how to make little origami gift boxes out a piece of 8.5x11.

I started this blog for me to have a place to write about the things that I've learned. I hope that you enjoy reading.

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I am a partner in The Rock Club, the NYC area's premier rock climbing gym. NYC kiddies - we're double the size of Chelsea Piers and way more fun. Programs and instruction for all skills and levels. Tell them Blake sent you and get a free carabineer. If you buy a membership, I will buy you a cupcake.

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