Sunday, October 07, 2007
Fitter Happier Music Buying Experience

Radiohead is giving their music away for free. Or you can pay for it. It's up to you. This should be interesting to watch. Upstart bands are already doing the same thing on MySpace and the like, but no major label artist has yet put out a new album and offered it up in a set-your-own-price model. Could Priceline for music be in the future?

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about me

I'm Blake. I like to learn stuff.

I like to learn about history, art, culture, sports, and politics. I like learning about what happens when you mix Diet Coke and Mentos. I like learning about Britney's latest flameup, Beckham's newest haircut, and how to make little origami gift boxes out a piece of 8.5x11.

I started this blog for me to have a place to write about the things that I've learned. I hope that you enjoy reading.

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I am a partner in The Rock Club, the NYC area's premier rock climbing gym. NYC kiddies - we're double the size of Chelsea Piers and way more fun. Programs and instruction for all skills and levels. Tell them Blake sent you and get a free carabineer. If you buy a membership, I will buy you a cupcake.

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