Monday, January 28, 2008
what's in a name

(15:05:45) Dave Lerman: question
(15:05:52) Dave Lerman: do you think of me as a "david" or a "dave"
(15:06:04) Blake Stuchin: lerman


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Monday, January 14, 2008
lerman sets himself up for these things

(15:23:58) Blake Stuchin: (14:24:30) Dave Lerman: i honestly think listening to mashups while i work makes me more productiv
(14:24:31) Dave Lerman: e
(14:24:58) Dave Lerman: it's like work-out music...for my financial modeling
(15:21:38) Blake Stuchin: you are such a dork
(15:24:07) Matt Nowak: wow
(15:24:20) Blake Stuchin: plus he hyphenated workout, which is even more dorky
(15:24:31) Matt Nowak: indeed
(15:24:40) Blake Stuchin: gratuitous hyphenation is dorktastic

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Clear eyes, full hearts, nickname envy

(14:50:23) Dave Lerman: what would it take for me to earn the nickname "Smash"?
(14:50:40) Dave Lerman: or anything that sounds remotely like an American Gladiator?


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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
bo knows ratings

On 10/3/07, David Lerman <> wrote:
Blake, you need to pitch a show to VH1:

Mike Tyson
Rampage Jackson
Gary Sheffield
Ray Lewis
Dennis Rodman (is he still alive?)
Yao Ming (the straight man)

These 6 guys live in a house for 45 days. Just record everything they say.

You can call it "The Flava of Batsh!t Crazy"

p.s. Wait, what time is it? Damn, there's another one. Told ya.

On 10/3/07, Blake Stuchin wrote:
when i run the nfl network i'm going to have a Queer Eye/Pimp My Ride-type men's grooming show hosted by Michael Irvin where he teaches regular guys how to be stylish by wearing quintuple breasted suits with 9 buttons and oversized neckties like the one that hugh grant wore in Two Weeks Notice

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Monday, September 24, 2007
monday's best of lerman

(16:37:09) Dave Lerman: btw, i had my ipod touch on the train on friday. i think 3 girls had sex with me.

(16:41:27) Dave Lerman: you need to make a choice
(16:41:34) Dave Lerman: are you going with lower-case only, or not
(16:42:05) Dave Lerman: sept 21st: proper case
(16:42:13) Dave Lerman: sept 22nd: you've become e.e.cummings


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Monday, September 17, 2007
The watch of champions

(12:39:56) Blake Stuchin: what about sand
(12:40:04) Blake Stuchin: what if you had a watch with sand grains
(12:40:06) Blake Stuchin: that would work
(12:40:09) Dave Lerman: ooh, sand is good
(12:40:13) Blake Stuchin: and sand could be very in next fall
(12:40:16) Dave Lerman: i'd have to hold my arms steady
(12:40:18) Blake Stuchin: sand is the new black
(12:40:25) Dave Lerman: hahaha
(12:40:25) Blake Stuchin: that would improve strength
(12:40:27) Blake Stuchin: it's a win-win
(12:40:35) Dave Lerman: it would be a statement
(12:40:44) Dave Lerman: i'm so masculine - i tell the time with DIRT
(12:41:05) Dave Lerman: i could have a computer based sun-dial outside with light phospors on a sensor that emails my blackberry every minute with the time
(12:41:10) Dave Lerman: granted, the bberry has a clock
(12:41:14) Dave Lerman: but that's missing the point
(12:41:15) Blake Stuchin: any hedge fund guy can wear a normal watch, but only the smartest bankers can wear sand
(12:41:23) Dave Lerman: i like it


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Friday, June 22, 2007
rules of new jersey

Source: Ticketmaster

I just got a Ticketmaster alert that Bon Jovi is playing 4 dates at the Prudential Center in Newark. This presents a tough decision. Blake's Rules of Life state that one should always make an effort to see Bon Jovi play live whenever he is playing in New Jersey, however the Rules also state that one must never go to Newark. This is a toughie. Lerman suggests I flip a NJ commemorative quarter.

Source: Forbes

In other news, Forbes has an interesting piece on the Top earning caddies in golf. Apparently Tiger's caddie made $1.27 million last year and was given a $140,000 new Ford GT as a bonus. I realize that there's a lot to it, but I can't help but think that all this person does is walk and carry sticks for a living.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
a hale & hearty birthday

Matt, Sam, Ben, Bob, Bobbo, and I took Lerman to Hale & Hearty today to celebrate both (a) the end of the "Mac and Cheese and Beef Soup" February Monthly Special; and (b) Dave's 25th birthday. The birthday boy was in good spirits and we all enjoyed our disease-inducing pseudo-soup. Who doesn't love an event.

Clear eyes, clogged arteries, can't lose.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
dave lerman: our pillow paparazzo

Source: Rocketboom

Holy media whore, Batman! Rocketboom's video of the pillow fight features none other than our own i-banker-cum-gothamist-photog-whore Dave Lerman. Eat your heart out, Amanda Congdon.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007
feathers of love

Source: Dave Lerman.

Today I learned that few things are more fun on a Saturday afternoon than a massive, 1,000 person pillow fight. I was interviewed with Bob by a French TV show (I'm horrified about what might come of that), made friends with a bumblebee, and hit hundreds of people over the head with my 499 pieces of down cotton awesomeness. The center of the pillowfight felt more like the middle of a rugby scrum than it did some kind of ironic hipster joke; it was so packed that I could barely raise my arms over my head to strike one of my meticulously practiced pillow knockout blows. Perhaps I was too eager for the catharsis...

All was well and amusing as the 4 of us started to leave after our hour or so of pillow fighting. Then, walking back along 14th street, some crazed middle-aged woman began yelling at us and telling us that the feathers we were releasing into the air was producing "enough dust to cause air conditioner clogging for 3 weeks." She then started yelling at us calling us everything from irresponsible to racist - with no basis for any of this - gradually raising her voice to the point of shouting at the end of her bizarre diatribe. The outcome of this is that going forward, anytime any of my friends does something stupid, I'm going to say that you've now clogged my air conditioner for 3 weeks. There's potential here.

That being said, it was really fun. It felt like there were as many photographers as there were pillow fighters, and we thought that everyone seemed to have a great time. Lots of Dave's pics are below, plus the full show on Dave's photoblog.

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about me

I'm Blake. I like to learn stuff.

I like to learn about history, art, culture, sports, and politics. I like learning about what happens when you mix Diet Coke and Mentos. I like learning about Britney's latest flameup, Beckham's newest haircut, and how to make little origami gift boxes out a piece of 8.5x11.

I started this blog for me to have a place to write about the things that I've learned. I hope that you enjoy reading.

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I am a partner in The Rock Club, the NYC area's premier rock climbing gym. NYC kiddies - we're double the size of Chelsea Piers and way more fun. Programs and instruction for all skills and levels. Tell them Blake sent you and get a free carabineer. If you buy a membership, I will buy you a cupcake.

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